How do you make time for self care?
Tracy Weber Tracy Weber

How do you make time for self care?

What is self care, and how is it possible to find the time to participate in it? Self care, to me, is anything that helps you to feel better and enjoy this thing we call life. Subsequently, they also help alleviate stress.

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Stress & Mindfulness
Tracy Weber Tracy Weber

Stress & Mindfulness

We have often heard about the fight-flight-freeze-fawn response in regards to stress. This is our nervous system’s built-in means of protecting us from things that could cause us harm. However, many stressors we face in this current day and age are not life-threatening nor harmful, yet our system often overreacts, leaving many of us stuck somewhere along this continuum for a multitude of reasons, where it can be difficult to return to homeostasis (our innate sense of balance) without intentional effort and patience.

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